Each person in the town makes slight allusions to their contributions-Karen, my go-to wife and town lush, has been known to add chocolates and jam-and depending upon what’s added or excluded, you’ll get one of three reactions from the town: joy, contentment, or disappointment. During the festival, all the residents of Mineral Town gather ‘round as each one of you throws an item into a deep cauldron to create a stew for the town to share. There’s a festival in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature called the Harvest Festival, which takes place in mid-fall. I’ve lived a lot of simple lives between the ages of six to 27, though the one I got back to the most is that first one I created in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature-the one that shaped how I view them all. Just as we’ve come to expect to find our hero of time fast asleep at the start of each Legend of Zelda game, there is an unspoken rule in farming simulators involving the loss of your grandfather and subsequently undertaking the quest to reconnect with nature and live a simpler life-the kind of life he’d have wanted for you.
I was six years old the first time my grandfather passed away and I uprooted my entire life to restore his farm back to its former glory, and by 27, I’ve undergone this process at least six more times.