This is war 1 hour
This is war 1 hour

this is war 1 hour

Taxi or ride share pickup is also located underneath Poppy’s Café.Ĭoach parking only (no drop offs or pick-ups permitted in this location) is available off Treloar Crescent.

this is war 1 hour

Visitor parking is available in the P1 Visitor Carpark, located underneath Poppy’s Café.Īccess to the P1 parking area is from Fairbairn Ave.

  • Please do not visit the Memorial if you are unwell or have had flu-like symptoms in the past 14 days.
  • The Memorial reserves the right to inspect bags at its discretion.
  • Please leave large bags and umbrellas at home.
  • Hand sanitiser will be provided throughout the Memorial.
  • During your visit, we ask that you maintain 1.5 metre social distancing and maintain a one-way directional flow.
  • You will be greeted on arrival by a Visitor Services Officer who will check your ticket and provide a welcome and safety briefing.
  • If you are late for your registered entry time you may not be permitted access to the Memorial and your ticket may be reallocated to another visitor.
  • Please arrive at the entry to the Australian War Memorial 10 minutes before your registered entry time.
  • Your ticket gives you access to the galleries and spaces defined on the ticket, at the specified time, for a timed duration.
  • By registering, you agree to provide contact details so we can communicate with you about your visit and other Memorial activities.
  • Visit /visit for more full conditions of entry details.
  • The Memorial reserves the right to refuse entry.
  • You must present your ticket to enter the Australian War Memorial.

  • This is war 1 hour